
Recently, I wrote about a product called CloudFogger and provided scenarios on how to use it in your backup solution. Today I wanted to quickly look at one of the other  solutions in this  Cloud encryption space – Boxcryptor. Boxcryptor is very similar to CloudFogger (or is it that CloudFogger is similar to Boxcryptor), in […]

CloudFogger – quick review

When it comes to encryption my favorite tool is and will always be (unless something changes) Truecrypt. Nothing beats its diversity: I can encrypt files, drives, hide encrypted drives, amongst many other features. But as I said many times on our podcast I am a geek, and working with Truecrypt is fairly easy for me […]

Surf Safely… or at least safer

One of our topics that we been discussing heavilly “off air” centers around how can we make the everday john/jane doe safer online. While there are a lot of options for us “techies” they are often prove too difficult for everday users. While we will be covering this in more detail in one of our future podcasts, I […]

Application Security for the Android Platform

Congratulations to local author, Jeff Six, for the release of his book: “Application Security for the Android Platform”. This is a much needed book on a topic that a lot of developers have not had experience with. The mobile platforms have introduced a new avenue for developers to explore, this book is like have a […]

Encipher It

I stumbled across encipher it  the other day and wanted to share a quick review. What:  Perhaps one of the easiest ways to send encrypted email via Gmail. Encipher it offers an easy way to encrypt Gmail, and possibly other input fields (LinkedIn worked fine) but not on all  (failed to work on yahoo) straight from your browser. No additional software […]